Coach and Match Tickets for Sunday’s game against Widnes can be booked at the club
Hazel and Maz are available
Thursday 11.00 am to 3.00pm
Friday 11.00 am to 4.00pm
Alternatively you can book and pay online by clicking here
Supporters who have booked online must collect match tickets at the above times and proof of purchase is required. You must be in receipt of an actual physical ticket to gain entry at Widnes.
Tickets for Widnes booked at Cougar Park mean that our club gets 20% of sales.
Match Tickets for Widnes will go off sale 1pm Thursday – you will no longer be able to purchase these from the club. If you wish to purchase a ticket for the game after Thursday you will need to buy direct from Widnes or pay on the turnstiles.
Anyone needing more info please contact the club on 01535 606044.
Directions to the dcbl Stadium, Halton – WA8 7DZ
Travelling By Car (M62)
1.Leave M62 at Junction 7 and take second exit onto A557 Watkinson Way (Expressway)
2.Continue along A557 to junction with Ashley Way and bear right (signposted Dcbl Stadium)
3.At traffic lights go straight across (signposted Dcbl Stadium)
4. At next set of traffic lights turn right onto Moor Lane (signposted Match Day Parking)
5. Continue along this road and take first exit LEFT into Caldwell Road and the public car park is on the RIGHT handside.
Please note; this is a free car park, Halton Borough Council accept no responsibility of accident, theft or damage to your vehicle whilst using this facility, users park at their own risk.