I stand unequivocally with the Keighley Cougars position on this issue and I admire the strong stance they have taken today.
Especially with being the only club to vote against the IMG’s completely unfair proposals.
The Rugby Football League and IMG should not be an elitist venture where clubs can pay-in to win, with immunity from relegation.
It’s not fair, and it’s not sport.
I will do all I can in Parliament to support our Keighley Cougars in their efforts to reverse these ridiculous plans.
In favour of fair values and in the long term interests of a sport we all love.
By Robbie Moore, MP for Keighley and Ilkley.
If there is any method of building opposition to this decision can you publish it on the website – I will email it to my friends, colleagues and ask them to do the same. This decision is against all that sport stands for and it is my hope that a legal challenge can be made.
Yours in hope rather than expectation.
Simon Burnley
I remember the day that the Cougars qualified for the then Super League. Disgustingly Maurice Lindsay stopped our promotion and brought in Paris and did his best to try to destroy our club.
This is no different, sadly there is a familiar feel to what is happening here – it is disgraceful.
How any rugby grass roots club can go along with this blatant mission to isolate them is beyond me .
Robbie , I hope you are aware of the APPG within the Houses of Parliament specific for Rugby League interest, even better if you are already on it. If not , you need to be ti be able to mobilise something . Here is the link.
Please let me know what you might be able to achieve from within that.
Words are great but we need action.
Keighley have the backing of the majority of fans of the game. I support the Giants but the decisions are so unfair to the smaller clubs.
All the above comments are undeniably on the ball. I had better not give my opinion on the RFL or I will be removed from the site.
Thank you Robbie Moore, do whatever you can.
You once successfully dealt with Open Reach on my behalf so you know what to expect when dealing with the RFL!
Here we go again, this all sounds familiar.
These proposals go totally against what sport stands for.
Players and,supporters want to see their team be competitive and have something to aim for ie promotion, if a team is good enough on the field they should be rewarded not just because they have the best ground or toilets.
The players and supporters make the sport good but it will never be great whilst the RFL make such ludicrous decisions.
Here we go again, this all sounds familiar.
These proposals are totally against what sport is all about.
Promotion, relegation should be about results on the field not decided by who has the best facilities
Wait until the category A clubs start charging even higher prices. That’ll level things out pretty quickly. The market can hardly bear its charges now. I’m all for healthy competition and do not want to watch the same few clubs vying for domination.